As in, realign my spine! (and initially, my attitude!)
I moved my mother to her summer cottage today. I was the lone pack mule (of five siblings) to undertake this feat. If I was an airline baggage handler, there would have been some serious baggage weight overcharges here! I don't know what was in those four giant suitcases, but I have never lifted anything so heavy in my life. The minivan was filled from the front seatbacks to the back door lid. It took me forty minutes to pack the car, and another thirty to unload it. I have gotten my weight lifting in for today.
Of course, now that we are unpacked, beds made, and dinner eaten, I can enjoy the ocean breezes - the fruits of my labor! Aaahhh!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day Seven - Release
I had several "A-ha" moments today. When I woke up this morning, I consciously decided to judge nothing and no one that I came in contact with during my day. Yesterday, I had some negative emotions towards a colleague that I was going to be working with this summer. Today, I put those emotions aside, and anticipated the best about the person. Amazingly, my interactions with this person today were pleasant and positive. We were able to work together towards a common goal, and the morning was very enjoyable!
This afternoon, I watched a video by Carol Tuttle on "Healing Your Inner Teenager". This was just what I needed to see! This reinforced my ideas of surrender and letting go. My 12 year old self has been carrying around some burdens for all these years. It was good to assure that girl that she was going to be fine, and that it was time to let that burden go!
Putting aside negative emotions carried through my day. Tonight I went to the wake of a lovely, feisty 101 year old lady whom I loved very much - my former husband's aunt. Since divorcing seven years ago, I have seen very little of his family. While I am no longer invited to the weddings, I still show up at the wakes. It has been awkward seeing him at these events, and we have had little to say to each other. Tonight was different, though. When I saw him outside as people were leaving, I put my hand on his shoulder and asked "How are you?" Simple enough question, but we began to talk. He asked how each of my family members were, and how I was. We spoke briefly about our lives in general, and we smiled at each other. This gave me great joy. Although our marriage did not work out, we have known each other for far too long to stay so estranged. I was happy to see him. I'll bet our late, great, Auntie Kate was happy, too.
This afternoon, I watched a video by Carol Tuttle on "Healing Your Inner Teenager". This was just what I needed to see! This reinforced my ideas of surrender and letting go. My 12 year old self has been carrying around some burdens for all these years. It was good to assure that girl that she was going to be fine, and that it was time to let that burden go!
Putting aside negative emotions carried through my day. Tonight I went to the wake of a lovely, feisty 101 year old lady whom I loved very much - my former husband's aunt. Since divorcing seven years ago, I have seen very little of his family. While I am no longer invited to the weddings, I still show up at the wakes. It has been awkward seeing him at these events, and we have had little to say to each other. Tonight was different, though. When I saw him outside as people were leaving, I put my hand on his shoulder and asked "How are you?" Simple enough question, but we began to talk. He asked how each of my family members were, and how I was. We spoke briefly about our lives in general, and we smiled at each other. This gave me great joy. Although our marriage did not work out, we have known each other for far too long to stay so estranged. I was happy to see him. I'll bet our late, great, Auntie Kate was happy, too.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day Six - Research
Well, back at it! Went to the first day of my friend Sarah's course on Sentence Combining. We had a lively discussion on various techniques of teaching adolescents how to up the complexity of their written sentences. The thirteen members of the group plan to create a series of lessons and activities relating to the Language Arts curriculum in our Middle Schools. I am working on selections from To Kill a Mockingbird. My plan is to create lesson plans on my iPad to share on a SMARTboard. Great fun!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day Five - Resolve
I resolved this summer to not only stop and smell the roses, but to take care of my health. Today, I had the bloodwork done that I had put off for several months, and worked out with my trainer. Tomorrow I will make a couple more "check up" appointments.
Then I will spend some time with the roses!
Then I will spend some time with the roses!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day Four - Refresh
Nubble Light in York, Maine. We took a winding trip there today to have dinner with Brent and Jamie. We ate at a wonderful restaurant right on Long Sands Beach, at high tide, with the waves crashing on the rocks beside us, and the seagulls eying us in hopes of a handout. It was my kind of a day - 60 degrees, overcast, a little foggy. Perfect for the woman whose tanning consists of her freckles joining together. I can think of no other place that I would rather be today: by the ocean with my Dearly Beloved.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day Three - Recycle
Too many late nights at work = disorganized house. It felt great to start a big purge in my office today. I have a bag for Goodwill, a box of shoes for Soles 4 Souls, a bucketful of recycled paper and magazines, and a small bag of trash. Still had time to do some laundry, play a little Angry Birds, and have dinner with my Dearly Beloved!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Day Two...Renew
Okay, so when I said that "renewal" was something I wanted to do this summer, I really didn't mean that literally! I decided that today would be a great day to get my car inspected, since it is due at the end of the month. I rummaged through my glove box to get my registration out so I would be prepared when I pulled in to the inspection station....and realized that my car registration expired in FEBRUARY!!! Four months in an unregistered car! Of course, once I realize this, I am in a panic thinking that every police officer in the state will be looking at MY car, and discovering that I am an unregistered, car-driving, scofflaw delinquent who should have her car impounded immediately. I drove slowly on my mile drive home, and had two cruisers pass me...clearly they are not observant this morning (nor were they in the past FOUR MONTHS!).
Thankfully, I can renew online, from the safety of my kitchen! I now have a picture of my renewal notice conveniently stored in my iPhone, just in case... I wonder if I can use that to get a sticker...?
Renewal, indeed!
Thankfully, I can renew online, from the safety of my kitchen! I now have a picture of my renewal notice conveniently stored in my iPhone, just in case... I wonder if I can use that to get a sticker...?
Renewal, indeed!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day One...Rest
The first of the 70 Days...Rest! My reflection in the mirror when I went to bed last night showed a woman in need of rest: glassy eyes, dark circles, brave but tired smile. Packing up, finishing my paperwork, final meetings with parents, yearbook completion, graduation...I am done in! I had planned to get up this morning at 7:30 - the extra 90 minutes of sleep seemed a treat. I woke up to grey skies and rain beating steadily against my bedroom window and decided that some extra time with my head on my pillow would be good for me. I slept until 9 am...decadent! Having "nothing to do" isn't easy after working a full time job, two part time jobs, and teaching an evening class for 10 months. I will ease into it slowly...time to go work out!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Moving...part of the whole renew/rebirth/release cycle. I had two separate offices this past year, on two floors of our building. I am now going to be in one office on the first floor. (This office has A/C! Oh joy!!!) I spent the day finishing my packing, and everything is ready for the custodians to do the big switcheroo, once a little construction is done. Built-in tables are to be removed, the projector for my SMART board will be installed, and Speech Therapy Paradise will be up and running!
Moving up, moving down... moving out, moving in...moving backward, moving forward....I have done a great deal of moving during the past eight years; metaphorically and literally! Moved out of a marriage. Left one home and bought another. Purged excess physical and emotional baggage. Moved forward into a new relationship. Moved on from a long-time job, into a new, exciting opportunity. Moving up the Joy ladder, rung-by-rung, day-by-day. Pausing to marvel at the things around me. I have never been happier!
Moving up, moving down... moving out, moving in...moving backward, moving forward....I have done a great deal of moving during the past eight years; metaphorically and literally! Moved out of a marriage. Left one home and bought another. Purged excess physical and emotional baggage. Moved forward into a new relationship. Moved on from a long-time job, into a new, exciting opportunity. Moving up the Joy ladder, rung-by-rung, day-by-day. Pausing to marvel at the things around me. I have never been happier!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I started with my personal trainer yesterday, and it was awesome! It was incredibly difficult (perhaps I am just that out of shape!), but I am so happy I did it! The instructor gave excellent instructions and cues, and pushed me much harder than I ever push myself. I woke up today feeling all the muscles that I used yesterday, but in a really good way. I can't wait to go back next week!
The 70 Days begin Thursday... I am SOOO ready!
The 70 Days begin Thursday... I am SOOO ready!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I made my first appointment with my personal trainer for Monday.
I stated my intentions to one of my dear friends:
I am going to regain my healthy, fit body.
I am going to run in the Krit Classic in June, 2012.
I stated my intentions to one of my dear friends:
I am going to regain my healthy, fit body.
I am going to run in the Krit Classic in June, 2012.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Here are some of the things I plan to do during The 70 Days...
Get a pedicure every two weeks or so...
Go to the beach as often as I can...
Keep up my low-sodium eating...
Go to Eccentric Movement, and move eccentrically...
Declutter myself, my home, my brain...
Get the ceiling in my living room fixed...
Paint my kitchen...
Paint my dressing room...
See three private clients weekly...
Work at summer school for 5 weeks...
Work at the SNF if I feel like it...
Get a pedicure every two weeks or so...
Go to the beach as often as I can...
Keep up my low-sodium eating...
Go to Eccentric Movement, and move eccentrically...
Declutter myself, my home, my brain...
Get the ceiling in my living room fixed...
Paint my kitchen...
Paint my dressing room...
See three private clients weekly...
Work at summer school for 5 weeks...
Work at the SNF if I feel like it...
In 10 days, the 70 days begin! I am thrilled! In preparation for the 70 days, I joined "Eccentric Movement" today. I'm am moderately eccentric, and very excited about moving around and accomplishing my goals during the 70 days.
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