Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day Nine - Spoiled

We have no internet. I am writing this (again) on my iPhone, because even though Verizon hooked up the summer house account on 6/25, we have no internet. We also have no phone, which means we have no Lifeline machine, so Dearest Mother cannot be left alone for long.

Verizon has put a "medical rush" on this, but promises it will be fixed by JULY THIRD!!! As in FOUR DAYS from now.

Did I mention we have no internet? Did you know that my laptop is practically attached to my body? I am having need-multiple-windows-I-can't-use-anything-but-my-iPhone-OMG withdrawal symptoms.

I may have a problem.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day Eight - Slumber

We went for a lovely dinner last night at a favorite restaurant overlooking a large marsh. Great service, great food, great view. The unpacking did not take too long to complete, and the house looked excellent.  Dearly Beloved is coming down later on, after the Saturday Grill Sales are done. It was great to wake up this morning to the steady breezes and the sound of the ocean streaming in the window. Much needed rest!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 7 - Summer Trek

Cape Cod Roadshow...Packed up the minivan, Mother, and ALL her stuff, and headed south. I have to say, it was smooth sailing! The stress was minimal, the ride was enjoyable, and I get to be at the beach for the next week! It doesn't get much better than that!

It is hard to see the extra equipment Mum needs this year...cane, wheeling walker, commode, Lifeline machine. Her legs are not in good shape, but I will make sure she is as safe as possible when I leave to head home.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day Six - Semisweet

I spent the day finishing up my resume...I am considering stepping into what is fondly known around school as "The Dark Side" - Administration!

My good friend has been hired as the new Assistant Principal at our school. Her position, Special Education Program Head is now open. I have mixed feelings about this job. I want to do it because it would be great to be a part of this fantastic administrative team. I would have the opportunity to develop programs for special needs students. I would be able to work directly with staff to help them expand their skills. I would be able to assist parents.

The down side... Not all parents have had good experiences guiding their child through the mazes of Special Education, and are often angry. (This would be a good growth area for me...) There is more stress in this job, according to those who have already done it. (That is why I meditate...) And the biggest concern, I would not work as directly with children, although part of the job requires some teaching.

However, I polished the resume, finished the cover letter, took a deep breath, and sent everything to Human Resources. It is a win-win either way... either I start an new job with exciting new challenges, or I continue in my current job, which I absolutely love!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day Five - Stubborn

I work in a public school system; it is a great place to work. I have a wonderful administrative team, great colleagues and fantastic students. I love going to work each day.

I also belong to a union who represents us and negotiates our contract every three years. In other schools where I have worked, there was a sense of mutual respect and camaraderie between the teachers and the school committee. Not so in this school system! We have not had a contract for the past two years - but the negotiations always seem toxic.

There has been much blahblahblah and mind-numbing animosity about all this...Happily however, an agreement was reached last week; we all got to vote on it today. Shockingly, not everyone can't complain if you don't vote!  I am very grateful to my negotiation team members for all their work.

It seems that most everyone is unhappy with the terms - to my way of thinking, that means it is fair.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day Four - Stretch

We had a low-key day. It was rainy and cold - an excellent day to hang around and do not much at all. I am going to continue that theme with an abbreviated post!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day Three - Sunday

Dearly Beloved worked today. His Weber grill rehab business has just boomed during the past year. He buys Webers from yard sales, estate sales, and private ads. He steam cleans, sand blasts, paints the grills and replaces the worn parts. He sells them as quickly as he can finish them. The work makes him happy, and keeps these old grills out of landfills. I am very proud of him.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day Two - Saturday

I may be on vacation from school, but there is still telepractice work to be done! All those end of the year reports are not going to write themselves! A couple of hours did the trick - reports are done and filed.

Eventually, Dearly Beloved and I made our way up the coast of Maine to have dinner with Dear Stepson and his lovely wife. We drove through an intense thunderstorm, but ended up seeing the most beautiful rainbow that appeared over the ocean. Life is good!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day One - Stress Less

First complete day...lovely! I can feel the stress slipping off my shoulders like a heavy winter coat tossed aside on a warm spring day. There is always much to accomplish to wrap up the end of the year at school - final IEPs, progress reports, summer school groups, packing up the office. It was a long day yesterday, but a rewarding one. Let the relaxation begin!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Seventy Summer Days of 2012 - Almost!

It is Friday, June 15, 2012. I have four more days of school, and then the 70 days of summer begin. As I did last summer, I am going to record my hopes, work, adventures and vacations. Before that can happen, I need to finish 30 more progress reports, submit next year's schedule, pack up my office, schedule my summer school students and decide if I am going to apply for a new job in school that is coming available. See you soon!