My poor little neglected blog! I have written nothing since the end of summer when I started back to school. It has been a hectic five months! Since I am home with a vile cold and cough today, it seems as good a time as any to catch up!
After MANY years of working as a full-time speech-language pathologist, I am now working that role on a part-time basis. This year, I was hired as the special education program head for my Middle School - on a part-time basis. It was a full-time position up until this year, but budget cuts changed all that! The Program Head job technically is 3.5 days per week, and the SLP job is 1.5 days. This, of course, is ridiculous, and I work obsessively to make sure that both jobs are completed to my satisfaction. The Program Head job should be full-time, but we will see where that leads. I have to say, I am delighted to still work with my group of students...I would miss them terribly if I did not!
I have also continued my evening work with
TinyEYE Therapy Services - I am able to provide speech-language therapy to students around the world via telepractice! It is very exciting work and I have been offered many wonderful opportunities within the TinyEYE therapy team during the past few months!
The trip to the
ASHA Convention in Atlanta in November was fantastic! Lots of great workshops, classes, and new ideas! It was also a great opportunity to visit with my dear friend Candy whom I have not seen for a couple of years. She moved to Georgia in 2009, and I had not been down for a visit. It was a wonderful chance to see each other, and catch up!

We had a lovely, short New Year's trip to the ocean...always my favorite!
And now, here I sit on the couch, with my laptop, tea, and box of tissues...yuck! Time for a little nap!