Friday, August 23, 2013

Point of Attraction
I am a great fan of the Law of Attraction and The Secret. I have been studying the principles and focusing on it for about 6 years with great results....when I use it, and don't let my unconscious mental programming take over. I am reading a book called  E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.  It is interesting...small experiments to see if the way you direct your thoughts impacts the outcome of your desires. My project is to have a small gift or blessing show up in my life - something completely unexpected. I am giving my Higher Power - Cosmo, as I like to refer to this Energy - 48 hours to complete this task. It has to show up here by Saturday morning at 9:08

I know this will happen, because it has happened before. I requested pain-free, quick-recovery surgery this summer, and that is exactly what I received. No pain post surgery, quick healing time, totally feeling like myself, with a positive outcome!  My doctor thinks I am a "tough lady", but I know it is so much more than that!

So my project is in full swing, and several small things have happened. A cardinal, my favorite bird, sat on my fencepost where I could see him from the window, and chirped for about 15 minutes before flying away. This is a blessing for sure! I received a link for a nice, healing meditation, which I enjoyed very much. I found an interesting online nutrition class at a reduced price...definitely a gift, but I still had to pay for it, so I don't think that counts.

I am pleased with Cosmo's offerings, but I know the main gift will be here soon! I walked to my car last night to head to the grocery store, something in my blue hydrangea bushes caught my eye. In among the fading light blue flowers was a magnificent, BRILLIANT blue hydrangea flower. I did not notice it there before. It is taller than the rest of the bush, and just glowed in the early evening light. This was unexpected, and magnificent. (The pictures do not do it justice...) Such a beautiful gift!

Friday, August 16, 2013


Well, I had my meeting with Human Resources to discuss why I did not get the job I wanted. It was reserved and professional. My union rep stated my case clearly. I made my points eloquently. Side stories, non-answers, and round-about responses were provided. Bottom's political. I believe that my directness and laser-like responses make some upper level management wonks extremely uncomfortable. By not hiring me, they do not have to deal with me on too regular a basis.

I am fine with this...I just needed to make my point that the way they treat employees is unacceptable. I will resume my full time SLP position with my head held high, as well as with an excellent understanding of what kind of adminstrator I will NEVER be.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I was able to get together today with an old, dear friend that I had not seen for a while. Carole has been undergoing aggressive treatments for breast cancer, and although we have talked frequently, it has been difficult to get together. When we last saw each other, she was wearing a wig, and moving slowly...the treatments were brutal, and greatly taxed her strength, balance and quality of life. But seeing her today was so wonderful! Her hair has grown, she has more of a spring in her step, and seems more like her old self again. I think having cancer changes who you are forever. You look at the world with a different lens. She is much more focused on living, instead of just surviving. She wore her "Fearless" bracelet today. I gave it to her when she began her chemo and radiation treatments last year. She said she looked at during her treatments, and it helped her to stay strong. She is the most fearless person I know...this was just to remind her. She has given them as gifts to people she knows who are going through treatment as well. This makes me happy.

We talked about my surgery. I was fortunate; the cells removed during my biopsy two weeks ago were benign, and the only healing I needed was to recover from the surgery itself. I am very blessed. I am doubly blessed to have Carole in my life, as my friend. She is a remarkable example of grace under pressure, fearlessness, and a spirit that never quits!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stickk It To Me...

With my job being so crazy last year, I had been losing my focus on creating My Healthiest Body Ever during the January through June period of 2013. Not enough exercise plus not enough food multiplied by not anywhere near enough sleep equals no significant body metamorphosis. I found an interesting site in June called Stickk which invites you to PUT A CONTRACT ON YOURSELF. I committed to losing three dress sizes by Christmas. I also put a monetary amount on this contract...if I do not make forward progress each week, Stickk will send the weekly amount to which I have committed to an ANTI- CHARITY. This motivates me immensely, because I would NEVER want to send my money to the group I selected. Since June, I have dropped one dress facial features are more defined again, and my back and arms are stronger.

So, if you need an incentive to make a specific change in your life, you might want to take out a contract on yourself with Stickk!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Begin Again!

I have been thoroughly lax in attending to this blog. I do not know whether anyone reads this or not, but I am going to start writing again for myself, to talk about my days, and maintain my sanity. It has been a stressful year, but I am in a much better place mentally, physically and emotionally. Stressful job has ended, health is now wonderful, and I am ready to start anew!

The remainder of my school year was long and challenging. I was happy to have wrapped up the interim Special ed program head position...I enjoyed it and learned many things. One thing I did learn was the role that politics plays in applying for and obtaining a new position. It would be highly unprofessional to go into details. Suffice to say, I am still not 100% certain what my role with be in the fall. I would like to be in a leadership position, but the cards have not all been played yet. Stay tuned...

Through all the craziness of this year, I have maintained my grain-free eating…I just haven’t put a lot of effort into it. My goal as summer winds down, and school begins again is to cook/create a primal/paleo/grain-free item every day, and eat it. More cooking of food, and less relying on almond butter/green apples night after night for dinner!

I am happy to be back. I look forward to blogging as the spirit moves intention is to be moved every day!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


My poor little neglected blog! I have written nothing since the end of summer when I started back to school. It has been a hectic five months! Since I am home with a vile cold and cough today, it seems as good a time as any to catch up!

After MANY years of working as a full-time speech-language pathologist, I am now working that role on a part-time basis. This year, I was hired as the special education program head for my Middle School - on a part-time basis. It was a full-time position up until this year, but budget cuts changed all that! The Program Head job technically is 3.5 days per week, and the SLP job is 1.5 days. This, of course, is ridiculous, and I work obsessively to make sure that both jobs are completed to my satisfaction. The Program Head job should be full-time, but we will see where that leads. I have to say, I am delighted to still work with my group of students...I would miss them terribly if I did not!

I have also continued my evening work with TinyEYE Therapy Services - I am able to provide speech-language therapy to students around the world via telepractice! It is very exciting work and I have been offered many wonderful opportunities within the TinyEYE therapy team during the past few months!

The trip to the ASHA Convention in Atlanta in November was fantastic! Lots of great workshops, classes, and new ideas!  It was also a great opportunity to visit with my dear friend Candy whom I have not seen for a couple of years. She moved to Georgia in 2009, and I had not been down for a visit. It was a wonderful chance to see each other, and catch up!

We had a lovely, short New Year's trip to the ocean...always my favorite!

And now, here I sit on the couch, with my laptop, tea, and box of tissues...yuck! Time for a little nap!